Calming Pot


Calming Pot helps Calm the mind and reduces stress, anxiety, depression.

Each Pot is filled with a blend of essential oils and crystals that help calm the mind. The Moon Tarot Card charm surrounds the bottle also to bring hope, inspiration, rejuvenation, faith in the universe. This Tarot  Card is a key card for hope... the stars light up the night sky and give light to darker times.

Each Pot Contains:

Orange Essential Oil with Orange Blossoms-  soothes agitated nerves, stress, mental fatigue (along with hyperventilation), palpitations, and hypertension

Carnelian- motivation, power, physical energy, self esteme.

Lapis Lazuli - friendship , Protection, calms the mind

Clear Quartz- cleanses charges crystals, blocks bad vibes, ultimate healer.

Unakite- healing stone balances emotions promotes self love.

Gold Stone- encourages optimisim positive attitudes



Do not consume the product. Oils are safe to sprinkle, use in an essential oil burner but primary use is intended for the product to be to caried or as a point of focus. Cork can be twisted to open and the smeling should help boost the effect.