Swords Tarot Meanings

Ace of swords:

  • Upright: Success, truth, awareness, victory, determination, Awareness and closer connection with the divine, victory, justice after a period of conflict, vision, clarity. Can also be embracing conflict or fighting for what you want with success.


  • Reversed: Illusion, ambiguity, failure, cruelty, injustice, lack of communication, creative blocks, frustration. A reminder to stay calm and focused for balance.

Two of Swords:

  • Upright: The heart and the mind are not in sync, blocked emotions, true feelings supressed ,Stalemate, truce, sitting on the fence, cross roads, difficult/painful choices, stressful decisions, opposition, being torn between two relationships or two paths, divided loyalty, BLIND TO THE TRUTH. Sometimes a choice made without all the information or when knowing either outcome is painful.Often a need to compromise and decide quickly.


  • Reversed: Seeing truth, lies being exposed, overwhelming fears/stress, information overload, overly cautious, emotional turmoil, facing repressed emotions. Not making decisions that need to be made even when fully aware or refusing to compromise or act.

Three of Swords:

  • Upright: HEARTBREAK,  personal betrayal, loss, dramatic and tearful times, sadness, conflict,  emotional pain, sorrow, the spell backfired on its master.

The three swords representing the pain inflicted by words, actions and intent. Sometimes a third person's involvement in ending a relationship is represented by this card and infidelity.


  • Reversed: Negative  feelings towards yourself, no self-love, releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness. Accepting the pain of heart break to move on.

Four of Swords:

  • Upright: This is a card of recovery and preparing to fight but still healing from past conflict and baggage. Recovery, rest , retreat. meditation, contemplation, recuperation. Still hurt from conflicts but ready to reluctantly offer an olive branch.

  • Reversed: rejection, exhaustion, burn-out, stagnation. Can not let go of past upsets, conflicts or bagged. Ready to fight again when not needed or let go of the past.

Five of Swords:

  • Upright: NOT LETTING GO OF PAST CONFLICTS. Confusion, deception, falsehood, disagreements, competition, defeat, winning at all costs. Can occasionally represent abusive relationships and being controlled. In extreme circumstances it is a card of violence and  extreme conflict.

  • Reversed: Humiliation, grudge, conflict with authoritarian people, reconciliation,  past resentment. Moving on from abuse and conflict.

Six of swords:

  • Upright: Transition, change, rite of passage, releasing baggage, progress, improvement, and smooth sailing awaits, New job/home.

Generally a card representing a journey to move forward with the weight of the past still carried or a need to move forward before sinking your own ship with mistakes and past conflicts,

  • Reversed: Short-term improvement, challenges for your progress, personal transition, resistance to change, unfinished business. Not moving on and forward. 


Seven of Swords:

  • Upright: New plans, new solutions, creative thinking, Survival in hazardous environments, partial victory, dodging, cunning, foresight, deception. Often the card of dishonesty and running away from situations rather than dealing with them.


  • Reversed: not seizing opportunities Imposter syndrome, self-deceit, keeping secrets. Starting to be honest but not yet acting. A stand still point rather than running away but still not acting.

Eight of Swords:

  • Upright: feeling of being trapped, restricted, backed into a corner, self-imposed limitations, victim mentality. You may find yourself impossibilities for change. 

Blind to reality and overreacting- never releasing resolved conflicts causing distress to yourself rather than cutting your self free.


  • Reversed: inner critic, releasing negative thoughts, open to new perspectives. Often can be someone else restricting you rather than restricting yourself as it is upright.


Nine of Swords:

  • Upright: Being kept awake by negative thoughts and worries. The “tragedy queen/king” card, super-emotional, anxiety, worry, fear, depression, nightmares.


  • Unhealthy delusions, cruel behaviour, deep-seated fears, secrets, no remorse or positively can be releasing worries and anxieties.

Ten of Swords:

  • Upright: don’t feel accepted or loved, toxic group of people, betrayal, being stabbed in the back, ignoring one’s instincts, painful ending, rock bottom.

often an ending with an immense amount of pain, loss, and all-encompassing finality.

Be strong as also there will always  be a new beginning later  <3 it offers the chance for a complete refresh.

Reversed: Physical harm from others not just emotional, survival, improvement, healing, lessons learned, despair, relapse. Moving on from a painful ending.


Page of Swords:

  • Upright: Caution but still progressing with the optimism of a page, vigilance, watch out for trouble or conflict, put an end to petty conflicts with selective words or fight for what you want. Be cautious and strong. Can also be gossiping or prying eyes in the background and others watching you.

  • Reversed: Stress, reckless action, use physical strength when not needed, revels in conflict. Fighting when there's isn't a need to fight.

Knight of swords:

  • Upright: Not afraid, courage, motivation, rapid change and progress;, courageous, capable person; stands up and defends , fights bravely, but foolishly. Fast-talking person.

  • Reversed:  Conflict, the war in the wrong place, no progress. Alternatively :  tactless, forceful, bully.

Queen of Swords:

  • Upright: Independent, forward action, unbiased judgement, clear boundaries, direct communication, affirmation, personal development, taking action.

  • Reversed: Unable to express emotions easily,  sets very high boundaries, isolation, gossip, a vindictive woman, cold-hearted, easily influenced.

King of Swords:

  • Upright: Intelligent and strong leader,  honour, quickly turning knowledge into action, strategic, powerful and ready to fight for what they want and win, intellectual power, truth.


  • Reversed:  Quiet power, inner truth, misuse of power, manipulation, dangerous, and unkind person.