Red Crystals are used to Increase your Physical Energy, Passion, Power and Courage 

Red Jasper, Bloodstone and Red Tigers Eye 

Red Jasper

Know for being the Stone of Endurance, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus, and determination. Used for simulating chi/life force as well as absorbing negative energy. Red jasper's deep red tones symbolise the Earth's energy

This stone aids in detoxifying the circulatory system, blood, and liver, and can help in reactivating a sluggish or weak libido.

Red Jasper Associations Are:

Chakras: Root

Zodiac: Aries

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

How to cleanse your Red Jasper: Recommended to be cleansed under moonlight  or smudged with sage .


Mainly dark green in colour with bright red markings like blood droplets throughout symbolising vitality and the ability to clear out negative energy.  This stone is renowned for its physical healing properties, primarily  related to blood circulation, bone marrow, and purification levels in the blood, and it also offers emotional resilience, strength, and courage.

Bloodstone Associations Are:

Chakras:  Base

Zodiac; Aries, Libra and Pisces

Planet: Mars

Element: Earth

How to cleanse your Bloodstone; the stone should be cleansed by running it under tepid water or, for a deeper cleanse, by placing it in the soil, allowing Mother Nature to draw out toxins and recharge the stone.

Red Tiger’s Eye

A protective stone that helps to guard against negative energy and keep focus. It is said to bring good luck and is often used in prosperity and wealth spells. Red Tiger’s Eye can also help one to see through deception and gives courage in times of danger. Used for centuries and thought to originate in Tibet and India. Striped with brown the red is said symbolise power, passions. The brown represents solidity,, anchoring and security.

Red Tigers Eye Associations Are:

Chakras: Root

Zodiac: Aries

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

How to cleanse your Red Tigers Eye; Salt allows the Tiger Eye stone to discharge to energies it has stored. The stone can be placed it on a bed of coarse sea salt for several hours to cleanse.