This page gives general points explaining the essence of a card...

Remember readings knit the relevant cards together in depth with energy. In a reading the Tarot Reader feels the essence of the story and uses their intuition, skill and in depth knowledge to tell the reading of the cards together with their guidance.... collectively each card transforms to a narrative. Love meanings can vary slightly from general readings and cards together combine. This is only a brief summary....

Major Arcana

The fool:

  • Upright: Pursuit of happiness, adventure, new beginnings, discovery, journey, new ideas, seizing an opportunity and following dreams, initiate a spiritual search, explore a mystical path or  leap in the dark. The fool starts the journey through the arcana and is unaware of what will happen ahead but optimistic.

  • Reversed: Irresponsibility, recklessness, dangerous careless behaviour, naivity and foolishness. Can  allude to feeling that you're ' been made a fool out of ' or on occasion making a subject related to the reading feel this way.

The Magician

  • Upright: A sign of determination and conjuring up dreams. Connection, trust, willpower, Occult Correspondence, Elemental Magic, and confidence. A very outgoing (magical energy) person who can bend others to their will and desire.

  • Reversed: Lack of confidence, poor communication with others, manipulative magic. Can be associated with mental illness and mental health struggles.  Furthermore, it Can be a card of illusion and manipulation.


  • UPRIGHT: Intuition, sacred knowledge, feminine strength and energy, the subconscious mind. A general confidence in one's self and instincts. A belief and faith in the universe or a religion.

  • REVERSED: Disconnected from intuition, withdrawal, secrets and feeling silenced. Loss of faith.

The Empress:

  • Upright: Mothey nature, feminine power and sexual energy.Motherhood; birth, reproduction, creation, home, protect the love in your life, the magic of the full moon, the power of nature. An overall nurturing Card.

  • Reversed: Creative block, dependence on others, Family problems, infertility issues, difficulties in relationships with parents or lovers.

The Emperor:

  • Upright: Head of family or Leader, a father figure, dedicated husband and/or loving father, supremacy, reason, masculine energy, protection, authority, a responsible and fair person.

  • REVERSED: Domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility, inferiority, authority issues and/or lack of. Can be a card repreasnting a lack of dedication to family and loved ones.

The High Priest or Hierophant/Pope

  • Upright: Following a structured belief system,mentoring, settling conflicts for others, preserving traditions, preserving wisdom, understanding mysteries of faith,advancing your education, discovering the truths yourself. Can be a warning for upcoming legal issues.


  • Reversed: Getting or giving unreliable or inappropriate advice, make hasty or wrong conclusions, wait for people to make decisions for you or avoid dealing with conflict. Possible abuse of position and poor counsel.

The Lovers:

  • Upright: Love, Sexual love, beauty, romantic relationship, decisions and commitments, balance and harmony, love heals all. One of the Soal Mate Cards and a positive one. The angels symbolises fate but also reminds us your choices today will affect your future.

  • REVERSED: Disharmony and imbalance, problems in the relationship, making bad choices, Self-love,  ignoring the problems, quarrels and disagreements. Misalignment of values and priorities. Overall struggle in love 

The chariot:

A card that can overall represent a journey or even a vehicle in it's simplest form.

  • Upright: Control, willpower, success, action, ambition determination,overcome adversity and any obstacles in your way.

  • Reversed: Failing to go on a journey or finding direction. No willpower, no motivation, lack of Ambition, fear of commitment, no focus.


A self explanatory card as represents Strength. 

  • Upright: Physical Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion, discretion, keep calm, self-control, confidence, determination.

  • Reversed: Feeling uncontrollable, inhibition, fear, doubt, control problem, low energy. It can also represent inner strength as opposed to outer and physical Strength or overall the card can mean a lack of strength and action.

The Hermit:

Taking time to ones self to explore their spiritual and/or emotional connections. 

  • Upright: Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance.

  • Reversed: isolation, loneliness, withdrawal, unable to solve problems on one’s own, time to discover a new cycle or connections.

The wheel of the year :

  • Upright: Cycle of the Year, luck, the use of energy and the magic of each season.

Overall opportunities and the years journey. Similar to the 'wheel of fortune' but based more on the cycle of and seasons of the year.

  • Reversed: Unlucky times ahead, not connecting to the season's and their magic,  the feeling of being separate from the rhythms of nature, seasonal affective disorder (winter blues).


  • Upright: The truth coming to light, cause and effect, positive solutions. Law and legal resolutions.

  • Reversed: Unfairness, Feeling of being treat unjustly, lack of accountability, dishonesty. In love readings it can be mean someone feels they are suffering an injustice or maintaining the relationship is no longer justified.

The hanged man:

  • Upright: Pause, surrender, self-sacrifice,letting go, new perspectives

  • Reversed: In general this card can mean feeling stuck or 'hung' by your and/or other's actions and forced to suffer without clear resolution. Delays, resistance, stalling, indecision.


  • Upright: This is a deceptively positive card as meaning big changes and a new phase. It very rarely means actual Death.  It's the end of the old and start of the new. Rebirth, transformation, moving forward. 

  • Reversed: Fighting an inevitable end, depression, personal transformation, inner purging, living unaware, 

The temperance:

  • Upright: A positive card of balance and harmony. Patience, self-control, moderation, tranquillity. Good control of emotions.

  • Reversed: Imbalance, excess, extremes, discord, recklessness, hastiness. Lack of self control and control over temper.

The Shadow side: 

  • Upright: An alternative to the 'Devil' card and focusing on fear as two people cower form a shaddowed figure in the background representing what happens when you let fear and panic take over.  Unhappiness in a darker phase of life, allowing others to overwhelm you, needing to protect oneself and overcome fear to succeed. Also associated with Mental Health issues and depression/anxiety.

  • Reversed: Not just fear but active oppression and manipulation, lies , illusion, deception. Living out one's fears.

The Devil:

  • Upright: Shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality, fear, temptation, obsession, dependency, excess, powerlessness and being retrained or controlled.

  • Reversed: Releasing limiting beliefs, exploring dark thoughts, detachment, freedom, revelation, release, reclaiming power, reclaiming control.

The tower :

  • Upright: This card comes at a time of chaos and external destruction that is inevitable as the crown falls from the tower as it crumbles. Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening, loss of a loved one and sadly trauma.

  • Reversed: Personal transformation, fear of change, forewarning to avert disaster or rebuild, self-inflicted traumatic conflict or challenges to core beliefs. This card can be a chance to avoid chaos if intuition is heard as reversed this card is mainly self inflicted unlike upright where destruction is a result of others actions and can't be avoided. Reversed it an also confirm chaos has been avoided.

Remember bad things happen so good can grow. Trying times do make us stronger.

The Star: 

  • Upright: Hope, inspiration, rejuvenation, faith in the universe,  strong believes,  being in the spotlight, positivity. 

  • Reversed: Despair, loss of faith , lack of confidence and fading into the background. Can be a sign of someone losing their shine and optimism crushed by another.

The moon:

  • Upright: the magic of the moon, protective magic and energies, seeing what others hide, the intuition and development of psychic abilities/empathy, acquired wisdom through life experience. The moon shines light in darkness when things seemed darker or confusing then trust your intuition. 

  • Reversed: Confusion, deception, lies, restlessness, fear and illusion.

The sun:

  • Upright: Positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality, happiness, joyous outcome.  An overall positive card with good energy shining on you.

  • Reversed: Inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic, need to return to reality and a realistic perception, attention seeking.


  • Upright: Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution, self-evaluation, awakening, renewal, purpose, reflection, reckoning.

  • Reversed: Self-doubt, inner critic, ignoring the call, failure to learn lessons, self-loathing.




  • Upright: Make a positive change for your future application, renewal, deeper spiritual and magical consciousness, karma and fate, reflection of past events, the consequences of your past actions in a positive light. Also a sign you are where you need to be.

  • Reversed: Wrong judgement and actions, regret, feeling unfortunate consequences of the magical rule of three, you reap what you sow. Suffering from bad decisions.

The World:


  • Upright: Rebirth, wholeness, fulfillment, victory, achievements, successful completion of a journey, miracles and wonders of the natural world, spiritual connection between people. World at your feet.

  • Reversed: Late completion of a journey/preject, recurring problems. Turning  your back on the magic of the world. Ignoring the wonder and beauty of the world.

Note : Differences in the  Witches Tarot from Rider-Waite  style lies in the naming in Major Arcana suit:

  • V – The Hierophant is changed to The High Priest (some Marseille-style decks also take this name) yet the meanings are identical.

  • X – The Wheel of Fortune became The Wheel of the Year. The wheel of the year incorporates the wheel of fortune but focuses of the seasons of the year.

  • XV – The Devil was changed to The Shadow Side which focuses more on general fears as a result of the temptations of the Devil card,

  • XX – Judgment was changed to Karma. This focuses more on the universal action and broader karma not just the justice systems.