Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Ace of pentacles:

  • Upright: A new financial or career opportunity, achieving material success, manifestation, abundance, healthy , security. Also green magic, herbalism, magic that Earth element magic.

  • Reversed: Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight, Expected earnings delay, greed, financial troubles. Also failing spells and out of touch with magic.

Two of pentacles:

  • Upright: A card all about balance- multitasking, second chance, multiple jobs, paying attention to personal finances, balancing budgets.

  • Reversed: Feeling overwhelmed, lack of focus, unbalanced finances and over spending, disorganisation, over-committed, needing to re-prioritise. 

Three of pentacles:

  • Upright: Teamwork, collaboration, learning, implementation. Mastering a skill with resources, effort, success through dedication.  A card of working successfully with others and/or dedication with success.

  • Reversed: Missed opportunities, laziness, not persistent with the details, unpaid work or working alone, disharmony, misalignment.

Four of pentacles:

  • Upright: Saving money, security, conservatism, scarcity, control, funds for retirement. Also can be a card of stubbornness, resistance to change, unhealthy strict boundaries, not finding happiness despite success and a warning to relax. 

  • Reversed: GREED , over-spending yet obsessed with money, selfishness, fear of money and sharing wealth.

Five of pentacles: 

  • Upright: Financial loss, poverty, lack mindset, isolation and loneliness, anxiety,stress.

  • Reversed: Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty, regret over past Losses.

Six of Pentacles:

  • Upright: generosity, freely give away time and energy, volunteer work, charity, scholarship,debt repayment, prosperous energy is flowing at this time. Often also to give and receive love equally and be open to receiving love.

  • Reversed: Upaid debts, theft,  one-sided charity. Alternatively feeling taken advantage of, being deceived or focusing on self-preservation. Rejecting receiving love.

Seven of Pentacles:

  • Upright: Long-term view, sustainable results, perseverance, investment, Nurturing growth and success, reaping rewards of what you sowed.

  • Reversed:Lack of long-term vision, dissapointment, limited success or reward. Can be a sign that it is time to start over or move on.

Eight of pentacles:

  • Upright: Apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastering a skill or skill development,attention to detail, focus.

  • Reversed: Self-development, perfectionism without progress, misdirected activity, lack of commitment.

Nine of pentacles:

  • Upright: Abundance, luxury, self-sufficiency, financial independence, success. Also note magical and psychic powers can be enhanced by touching the earth and tending it as a card for Green and Herbal Magic as well as faith.

  • Reversed: Self-worth, over-investment in work, hustling, lack of spiritual inspiration, complacency after success. A reminder to keep pushing goals and working.

Ten of Pentacles:

  • Upright: Commitment, community, shared financial success, happy and fortunate family, support, gratitude, loyalty, magical family legacy/ inherited psychic powers.

  • Reversed: The dark side of wealth, financial failure or loss, unwanted interference in your personal life, a group/person that is oppressive and controlling without true love. Or can be conflict that  comes from a will/inheritance or dispute over legacy and disconnection.

Page of pentacles:

  • Upright: Manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development, enthusiastic,  love of nature. 

  • Reversed: Lack of progress, procrastination, learn from failure, lost connection to magic, feelings of being taken advantage of or trapped in the mundane.

Knight of pentacles:

  • Upright: Hard work, productivity, routine, conservatism, proactive, handling challenges methodically with strategy and perseverance.

  • Reversed: Self-discipline, boredom, feeling ‘stuck’, perfectionism. Also can symbolise obstacles in your way or difficult circumstances whilst advising you to take time to take a closer look and be methodical about overcoming the situation- think and persist so you can progress with time.

Queen of Pentacles:

  • Upright: Nurturing, practical, providing financially, a working parent, emotional fulfillment, self-sacrificing wife and/or mother, dedicated friend, loyal. Known to be "the truest housewife"  and generous hostess. 

  • Reversed: Financial independence, self-care, work-home conflict, materialistic,fake friends, doubt, envy, disloyalty.

King Of Pentacles:

  • Upright: Wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, family guardian, a mature person and pillar to lean on during difficult times, abundance. It is the king of investing wisely.

  • Reversed: Financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, stubborn, moody, controlling, materialistic, lost sight of what really matters.